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 ⇒ NCFE CACHE Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner ⇒ EYP 11: Support the needs of babies and young children with Special Educational Needs and Disability ⇒ 6.1 Explain partnership working, including work with parents/carers, in relation to working effectively with children with SEND

6.1 Explain partnership working, including work with parents/carers, in relation to working effectively with children with SEND

Qualification: NCFE CACHE Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner
Unit: EYP 11: Support the needs of babies and young children with Special Educational Needs and Disability
Learning outcome: 6. Be able to work in partnership
Assessment criteria: 6.1 Explain partnership working, including work with parents/carers, in relation to working effectively with children with SEND

  • Information about working in partnership with parents/carers can be found here
  • The EYFS and SEN Code of Practice both explain the importance of Early Years Practitioners having strong working relationships with parents/carers
  • This relationship contributes to achieving the best possible outcomes for the child
  • Relationships should be built on mutual respect and trust and strong communication
  • Practitioners and parents/carers can exchange information about the child, such as their needs, preferences and milestones in theor development
  • Parents/carers should be involved in any meetings about their child and their views should be valued and respected
  • Practitioners can also provide support to parents/carers and signpost them to services that they may use
  • Practitioners may also notice early signs of a child not developing as would be expected and may recommend they are assessed for SEN – parental consent is required for this

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