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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Level 3 Diploma Optional Units ⇒ Unit 336 Enable individuals to negotiate environments ⇒ 4.3 Use records of observations and feedback from the individual and/or others to review the plan to negotiate an environment

4.3 Use records of observations and feedback from the individual and/or others to review the plan to negotiate an environment

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care Optional Units
Unit: Unit 336 Enable individuals to negotiate environments
Learning outcome: 4 Be able to evaluate and revise the support provided to an individual to negotiate an environment
Assessment criteria: 4.3 Use records of observations and feedback from the individual and/or others to review the plan to negotiate an environment

  • Compile Observations and Feedback: Gather all records of observations made during the negotiation of the environment and feedback from the individual, family, carers, and professionals involved.
  • Identify Achievements: Highlight key achievements and areas where the individual successfully negotiated the environment, based on the observations and feedback.
  • Acknowledge Challenges: Note any difficulties or challenges the individual faced, pinpointing specific areas where support was lacking or could be improved.
  • Assess Support Strategies: Evaluate the effectiveness of the support strategies used, considering whether they met the individual’s needs and facilitated their navigation of the environment.
  • Consider Environmental Factors: Review any environmental factors that impacted the individual’s ability to negotiate the environment, such as accessibility issues or sensory stimuli.
  • Reflect on the Individual’s Feedback: Pay close attention to the individual’s own reflections and feelings about negotiating the environment, particularly highlighting their sense of confidence and independence.
  • Review Goals and Objectives: Revisit the initial goals and objectives of the plan to determine if they were met and remain relevant or need adjusting.
  • Update the Plan: Based on the review, make necessary adjustments to the plan, which may include introducing new support strategies, modifying goals, or altering the environment.
  • Engage with the Individual and Stakeholders: Discuss the reviewed plan with the individual and other stakeholders, ensuring it aligns with the individual’s preferences and recommendations from the team.
  • Set a Follow-up Schedule: Establish a schedule for implementing the updated plan and for future reviews to continuously monitor progress and make further adjustments as needed.
  • Document Changes: Clearly document any changes made to the plan, ensuring all stakeholders have access to the most current version for consistency in support.

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