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 ⇒ NCFE CACHE Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner ⇒ EYP 11: Support the needs of babies and young children with Special Educational Needs and Disability ⇒ 5.2 Support the assessment, planning, implementation and reviewing of each baby and young child’s individual plan for their care and participation in line with the Graduated Approach

5.2 Support the assessment, planning, implementation and reviewing of each baby and young child’s individual plan for their care and participation in line with the Graduated Approach

Qualification: NCFE CACHE Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner
Unit: EYP 11: Support the needs of babies and young children with Special Educational Needs and Disability
Learning outcome: 5. Be able to plan to meet the individual stages of babies and young children
Assessment criteria: 5.2 Support the assessment, planning, implementation and reviewing of each baby and young child’s individual plan for their care and participation in line with the Graduated Approach

  • The Graduated Approach is a process for ensuring the needs of children with SEND are met
  • It is a four-stage cycle:
    1. Assess – information about a child’s needs and preferences are collected from a variety of sources. The voice of the child and the parents/carers should be central to the planning
    2. Plan – all parties plan and agree to the interventions that will be implemented to support the child
    3. Do – the plans are implemented
    4. Review – after an agreed time period, the intervention is reviewed and evaluated to see if it is working. If the interventions are working, they will continue. If they are not working, or need refining, the cycle begins again.

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