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 ⇒ Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF) ⇒ Unit 17: Manage Self for Leadership in Adult Care ⇒ 5.1 Explain ways to evaluate own knowledge and performance and identify areas for development using: • standards and benchmarks • sources and systems of support • feedback from others • reflection on successes and failures, mistakes and achievements

5.1 Explain ways to evaluate own knowledge and performance and identify areas for development using: • standards and benchmarks • sources and systems of support • feedback from others • reflection on successes and failures, mistakes and achievements

Qualification: Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF)
Unit: Unit 17: Manage Self for Leadership in Adult Care
Learning outcome: 5 Understand how to manage own learning and continuing professional development
Assessment criteria: 5.1 Explain ways to evaluate own knowledge and performance and identify areas for development using: • standards and benchmarks • sources and systems of support • feedback from others • reflection on successes and failures, mistakes and achievements

  • Standards and benchmarks
    • Regularly comparing one’s practice and outcomes with the expectations laid out in the National Minimum Standards (NMS)
    • Keeping up-to-date with any changes or developments in the UK’s Health and Social Care Standards.
    • Considering the level of quality service delivered to individuals in comparison with peers and national averages, such as through patient outcomes or success stories.
    • Monitoring the achievement of targets, such as completion of care plans or reduction of incidents.
  • Sources and systems of support
    • Using clinical supervision or regular one-to-one meetings with a manager to identify strengths and weaknesses, discuss challenges, and plan for improvement.
    • Engaging with Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities and using the insights gained to inform self-assessment.
    • Participating in peer review processes can provide a fresh perspective on one’s practice.
    • Accessing resources and support from professional bodies like the Royal College of Nursing or British Psychological Society, as relevant.
  • Feedback from others
    • Actively seeking feedback from colleagues, managers, patients, and their families or representatives, on a regular basis.
    • Using 360-degree feedback, which involves obtaining feedback from all those with whom you work (colleagues, those you supervise, and your own supervisor).
    • Taking onboard constructive criticisms or concerns raised during team meetings, annual reviews, or performance appraisals.
    • Considering any compliments or expressions of satisfaction from individuals and their families as indications of areas of strength.
  • Reflection on successes and failures, mistakes and achievements
    • Conducting self-reflection after significant events, either successes or failures, to identify what went well and what could be improved upon.
    • Using reflection models like Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle or Johns’ Model for Structured Reflection to structure thoughts and gain deeper insights.
    • Keeping a professional development or reflection journal to track growth and changes in understanding and skills over time.
    • Using mistakes as learning opportunities, focusing on problem-solving and avoiding blame, and considering what steps can be taken to prevent a recurrence.
    • Celebrating achievements, not just as personal victories, but as opportunities to consolidate what works well and can be applied elsewhere.

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