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 ⇒ OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care ⇒ Unit R025: Understanding life stages

Unit R025: Understanding life stages

This unit is part of the OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care and has the following learning outcomes and assessment criteria:

  1. Learning Outcome 1: Understand the stages of development from young people to adulthood
    1. The changes associated with the transition from young people to adulthood
    2. Factors that affect development
  2. Learning Outcome 2: Understand the ageing process in older adulthood
    1. An overview of the ageing process
  3. Learning Outcome 3: Know which medical conditions may affect progress through the life stages
    1. An overview of conditions which may affect progress through the life stages
    2. The effect of these conditions on health and social well-being
  4. Learning Outcome 4: Be able to create support plans
    1. How to communicate information clearly, sensitively and appropriately to different audiences
    2. How to match care and support provision to specific individual needs
    3. How to adapt care and support to reflect progression of individuals through different life stages
    4. How to link care and support to specific medical conditions for different life stages

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