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 ⇒ NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems ⇒ Unit 07 Understanding bipolar disorder ⇒ 3.2 Describe the ways bipolar disorder affects the individual and their life

3.2 Describe the ways bipolar disorder affects the individual and their life

Qualification: NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems
Unit: Unit 07 Understanding bipolar disorder
Learning outcome: 3 Understand how bipolar disorder can affect the individual and others
Assessment criteria: 3.2. Describe the ways bipolar disorder affects the individual and their life

  • When experiencing a ‘low’ the individual may feel depressed and unmotivated to complete daily tasks which can lead to poor hygiene and unstable relationships.
  • When experiencing a ‘high’ the individual may feel out of control which can be scary. They also may be impulsive and do things they later regret.
  • Bipolar disorder can be tiring and difficult to keep up with which can worsen the individuals mental health further.

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