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 ⇒ Manager Induction Standards ⇒ Standard 8: Safeguarding, protection and risk ⇒ 8.4.3. Identify potential situations where restraint might be used acknowledging that it should only be used only in proportion to the risk of harm and wherever possible should be a last resort

8.4.3. Identify potential situations where restraint might be used acknowledging that it should only be used only in proportion to the risk of harm and wherever possible should be a last resort

Qualification: Manager Induction Standards
Unit: Standard 8: Safeguarding, protection and risk
Learning outcome: 8.4. Use of restrictive practices
Assessment criteria: 8.4.3. Identify potential situations where restraint might be used acknowledging that it should only be used only in proportion to the risk of harm and wherever possible should be a last resort

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