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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Level 3 Diploma Optional Units ⇒ Unit 385 Understand how to provide support when working in end of life care ⇒ 4.4 Explain the importance of ensuring effective channels of communication are in place with others

4.4 Explain the importance of ensuring effective channels of communication are in place with others

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care Optional Units
Unit: Unit 385 Understand how to provide support when working in end of life care
Learning outcome: 4 Understand factors regarding communication for those involved in end of life care
Assessment criteria: 4.4 Explain the importance of ensuring effective channels of communication are in place with others

  • It is important to ensure that effective channels of communication are in place with others because:
    • We would want to inform the family/next-of-kin as quickly as possible if an individual dies or is likely to die very soon
    • We may need to contact health professionals for specialist advice and treatment if an individual’s condition changes or deteriorates
    • It may be an individual’s preference that a religious leader is with them when they die, so we would need to be able to contact them quickly

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