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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Level 3 Diploma Optional Units ⇒ Unit 336 Enable individuals to negotiate environments ⇒ 3.4 Provide information to the individual when negotiating an unfamiliar environment

3.4 Provide information to the individual when negotiating an unfamiliar environment

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care Optional Units
Unit: Unit 336 Enable individuals to negotiate environments
Learning outcome: 3 Be able to support the individual to negotiate an environment
Assessment criteria: 3.4 Provide information to the individual when negotiating an unfamiliar environment

  • Explain Layout and Features: Before entering, describe the layout, key features, and any potential obstacles of the unfamiliar environment to the individual.
  • Highlight Emergency Exits: Point out emergency exits and safety equipment locations, ensuring the individual knows how to leave safely in case of an emergency.
  • Identify Rest Areas: Inform about the availability of rest areas, seating, or quiet zones where the individual can take a break if needed.
  • Discuss Navigation Aids: Explain the use of any available navigation aids, such as maps, signs, or digital apps that could assist in negotiating the environment.
  • Prepare for Sensory Stimuli: Warn of any potential sensory stimuli that might be challenging, such as loud noises or bright lights, and discuss strategies to manage them.
  • Communicate Social Expectations: If relevant, describe any social norms or expectations specific to the environment that the individual should be aware of.
  • Offer Orientation Tips: Share tips on orientation, like using landmarks for navigation or following tactile paths, if available.
  • Provide Contact Information: Ensure the individual has contact information for assistance within the environment, whether it’s a help desk, security, or a direct line to you.
  • Encourage Questions: Invite the individual to ask questions or express concerns at any point, reinforcing your support throughout the process.
  • Reassure About Time: Emphasize that there’s no rush and encourage taking the time needed to feel comfortable and confident in the unfamiliar environment.

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