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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Level 3 Diploma Optional Units ⇒ Unit 336 Enable individuals to negotiate environments ⇒ 3.1 Agree with the individual activities which require negotiating an environment

3.1 Agree with the individual activities which require negotiating an environment

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care Optional Units
Unit: Unit 336 Enable individuals to negotiate environments
Learning outcome: 3 Be able to support the individual to negotiate an environment
Assessment criteria: 3.1 Agree with the individual activities which require negotiating an environment

  • Discuss Interests and Preferences: Start by understanding the individual’s personal interests, hobbies, and routine activities that involve navigating different environments.
  • Consider Daily Tasks: Include everyday tasks that require environmental negotiation, such as shopping, attending appointments, or using public transport.
  • Explore Social and Leisure Activities: Talk about social outings, leisure activities, or community events the individual is interested in participating in.
  • Identify Educational or Work-related Activities: If applicable, discuss any educational courses, training programmes, or work-related tasks that involve negotiating new or familiar environments.
  • Assess Fitness and Health Goals: Include activities related to health and fitness, such as walking in the park, attending gym classes, or swimming, that the individual aims to pursue.
  • Consider Travel Goals: If the individual has aspirations to travel, whether locally or further afield, discuss these as part of planning to negotiate unfamiliar environments.
  • Acknowledge Home Management Tasks: Recognise tasks around the home that may require negotiating different areas, such as gardening, cleaning, or home maintenance activities.
  • Plan for Emergency Situations: Agree on activities to practice navigating the environment in case of emergencies, ensuring the individual feels prepared and confident.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Together, decide on realistic and achievable activities, considering the individual’s current abilities and potential for progression.
  • Document Agreed Activities: Clearly note down the activities agreed upon, ensuring they are specific, measurable, and tailored to the individual’s interests and needs.

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