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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Level 3 Diploma Optional Units ⇒ Unit 336 Enable individuals to negotiate environments ⇒ 1.3 Establish how environmental barriers to individuals negotiating environments can be addressed

1.3 Establish how environmental barriers to individuals negotiating environments can be addressed

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care Optional Units
Unit: Unit 336 Enable individuals to negotiate environments
Learning outcome: 1 Understand the factors that may impact on an individual being able to negotiate their environments
Assessment criteria: 1.3 Establish how environmental barriers to individuals negotiating environments can be addressed

  • Install Ramps and Lifts: Ensure all areas are accessible to individuals with mobility impairments by providing ramps at entrances and lifts for multi-level buildings.
  • Improve Signage: Use clear, high-contrast signage with large fonts and symbols, including Braille where possible, to aid those with visual impairments or cognitive disabilities.
  • Create Quiet Zones: Designate areas where noise and sensory stimuli are minimised to support individuals with sensory sensitivities or mental health conditions.
  • Adjust Lighting: Implement adjustable lighting systems to cater to the needs of individuals with visual impairments or sensory sensitivities, ensuring spaces are well-lit without being overwhelming.
  • Provide Accessible Facilities: Ensure accessible toilets, changing facilities, and parking spaces are available and well-signposted.
  • Widen Doorways and Corridors: Modify structures to allow for wider passageways, accommodating mobility aids and ensuring ease of movement for all users.
  • Offer Sensory Maps: Provide maps highlighting areas of potential sensory overload and locations of quiet zones, to help individuals with sensory sensitivities plan their visit.
  • Implement Tactile Flooring: Use different textures on floors to guide individuals with visual impairments safely through environments.
  • Train Staff in Disability Awareness: Educate staff on the needs of individuals with various disabilities to ensure supportive and understanding interactions.
  • Use Technology for Navigation: Implement apps or digital services that can provide real-time assistance and navigation tips for people with disabilities.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep pathways clear of obstacles and in good repair to avoid hazards, especially important for outdoor environments affected by weather conditions.

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