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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Level 3 Diploma Optional Units ⇒ Unit 335 Assist in the implementation of programmes to increase mobility, movement and functional independence ⇒ 5.5 Explain the potential consequences of poor practice

5.5 Explain the potential consequences of poor practice

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care Optional Units
Unit: Unit 335 Assist in the implementation of programmes to increase mobility, movement and functional independence
Learning outcome: 5 Be able to make records and provide information to the practitioner
Assessment criteria: 5.5 Explain the potential consequences of poor practice

  • Harm to Individuals: Poor practice can lead to physical, psychological, or emotional harm to those in care, potentially causing long-term health issues or worsening existing conditions.
  • Loss of Trust: Individuals and their families may lose trust in healthcare providers and the wider healthcare system, leading to reluctance in seeking future care or following medical advice.
  • Legal Repercussions: Healthcare professionals and organisations may face legal action for negligence or malpractice, resulting in fines, compensation claims, and damage to reputation.
  • Professional Sanctions: Individuals found to be practising poorly may face disciplinary actions from regulatory bodies, including suspension, revocation of license, or being struck off professional registers.
  • Decreased Quality of Care: Poor practice can lower the overall quality of care within a healthcare setting, affecting not just the individuals directly involved but potentially others receiving care.
  • Increased Costs: There may be increased costs for healthcare providers, from dealing with the aftermath of poor practice, including additional treatment costs, legal fees, and insurance premiums.
  • Reputational Damage: Healthcare providers and institutions can suffer reputational damage, making it difficult to retain and attract staff and individuals needing care.
  • Stress and Burnout Among Staff: Poor practice can contribute to a toxic working environment, leading to increased stress and burnout among healthcare professionals.
  • Public Health Risks: In some cases, poor practice can lead to wider public health risks, for example, through the mismanagement of infectious diseases.
  • Ethical Violations: Poor practice often entails violations of ethical standards, undermining the ethical foundations of healthcare and eroding public confidence.
  • Recognising and addressing poor practice is crucial for ensuring the safety, well-being, and trust of individuals in healthcare settings, as well as for maintaining professional and ethical standards within the healthcare profession.

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