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 ⇒ Pearson BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 in Enterprise ⇒ Component 3: Marketing and Finance for Enterprise

Component 3: Marketing and Finance for Enterprise

This unit is part of the Pearson BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 in Enterprise and has the following learning outcomes and assessment criteria:

  1. Learning outcome A: Marketing activities
    1. A1 Targeting and segmenting the market
    2. A2 4Ps of the marketing mix
    3. A3 Factors influencing the choice of marketing methods
    4. A4 Trust, reputation and loyalty
  2. Learning outcome B: Financial documents and statements
    1. B1 Financial documents
    2. B2 Payment methods
    3. B3 Revenue and costs
    4. B4 Financial statements
    5. B5 Profitability and liquidity
  3. Learning outcoeme C: Financial planning and forecasting
    1. C1 Budgeting
    2. C2 Cash flow
    3. C3 Suggesting improvements to cash flow problems
    4. C4 Break-even point and break-even analysis
    5. C5 Sources of business finance

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