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 ⇒ OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care ⇒ Unit R028: Understanding the development and protection of young children in an early years setting

Unit R028: Understanding the development and protection of young children in an early years setting

This unit is part of the OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care and has the following learning outcomes and assessment criteria:

  1. Learning Outcome 1: Understand the key milestones of physical, intellectual and language development between 0–5 years
    1. The key milestones of a child’s physical, intellectual and language development from birth to fiveyears
    2. The normal development stages and sequences of physicaldevelopment, intellectual development and language
  2. Learning Outcome 2: Understand the key milestones of emotional and social development between 0–5 years
    1. The key milestones of a child’s emotional and social development from birth to five years
    2. The normal development stages and sequences of emotional development and social evelopment
  3. Learning Outcome 3: Be able to create a safe environment to protect children (in an early years setting)
    1. How to carry out a risk assessment on an early years setting
    2. How to design a safe environment for an early years setting considering design features

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