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 ⇒ NCFE CACHE Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner ⇒ EYP 4: Safeguarding, protection and welfare of babies and young children in Early Years Settings

EYP 4: Safeguarding, protection and welfare of babies and young children in Early Years Settings

This unit is part of the NCFE CACHE Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner and has the following learning outcomes and assessment criteria:

  1. 1. Understand legislation and guidelines for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of babies and young children
    1. 1.1 Outline the legal requirements and guidance on safeguarding, security, confidentiality of information sharing and promoting the welfare of babies and young children
    2. 1.2 Identify policies and procedures relating to safeguarding, child protection and online safety
    3. 1.3 Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Early Years Practitioner in relation to the following procedures: reporting/dealing with disclosure, child protection and promoting the welfare of babies and young children, safeguarding and security, confidentiality, information sharing, use of technology
  2. 2. Understand whistleblowing
    1. 2.1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘whistleblowing’
    2. 2.2 Explain the responsibility of the Early Years Practitioner in relation to whistleblowing
  3. 3. Understand how to respond to evidence or concerns that a baby or child has been or is at risk of serious harm or abuse
    1. 3.1 Identify factors that may indicate that a baby or child is in danger or at risk of serious harm or abuse
    2. 3.2 Explain the procedures to be followed to protect babies and young children, including: • domestic abuse • physical abuse • emotional abuse • sexual abuse • neglect
    3. 3.3 Explain the benefits of working with others in the context of safeguarding, protection and welfare of children
    4. 3.4 Explain support and advice available to the: child, parents/carers, Early Years Practitioner
    5. 3.5 Explain why child safeguarding practice reviews are required
  4. 4. Be able to locate policies and procedures for safeguarding babies and young children
    1. 4.1 Outline policies and procedures for safeguarding babies and young children in an Early Years Setting

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