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 ⇒ Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Level 4 Diploma Optional Units ⇒ Unit 435 Mentoring in social care ⇒ 6.1 Review progress with mentees in a way that places the responsibility on the mentee to clarify their own goals and facilitate their achievement

6.1 Review progress with mentees in a way that places the responsibility on the mentee to clarify their own goals and facilitate their achievement

Qualification: Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care Optional Units
Unit: Unit 435 Mentoring in social care
Learning outcome: 6. Be able to review the progress and achievements of a mentee in partnership with them
Assessment criteria: 6.1 Review progress with mentees in a way that places the responsibility on the mentee to clarify their own goals and facilitate their achievement

  • Reviewing progress with mentees can be done in a way that empowers the mentee to take ownership of their goals. Here’s how this might be achieved:
  • Revisit Initial Goals: Begin the review by revisiting the goals initially set by the mentee. This serves as a benchmark for measuring progress.
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage the mentee to discuss their progress by asking open-ended questions. This may include questions like “How do you feel about your progress towards your goal?” or “What challenges have you encountered?”
  • Self-Evaluation: Encourage the mentee to self-evaluate their progress and achievement. This can help them critically reflect on their journey, recognise achievements, and identify areas that need improvement.
  • Reflection on Actions: Ask the mentee to reflect on actions they have taken towards their goals. This can enable them to see the link between their actions and outcomes.
  • Discuss Challenges and Barriers: Ask the mentee to share any challenges or barriers they have encountered. This helps them acknowledge difficulties and consider how to overcome them.
  • Future Planning: After reviewing past and current progress, shift the focus to future actions. Ask the mentee what steps they plan to take next to continue towards their goal.
  • Reinforce Responsibility: Emphasise that while the mentor is there to provide support and guidance, the responsibility for achieving goals lies with the mentee. Encourage them to take ownership of their growth and development.
  • Acknowledge Progress: It’s important to acknowledge and celebrate progress, even if it’s small. This can boost the mentee’s confidence and motivation.
  • Feedback and Recommendations: As a mentor, provide your own feedback on the mentee’s progress. Make sure to also provide recommendations for the future, while still emphasising that the ultimate decisions lie with the mentee.
  • Next Steps: Conclude the review by agreeing on the next steps, which could include revising goals, setting new ones, or planning for new strategies to overcome challenges.
  • Remember, the goal is to empower the mentee to take responsibility for their own learning and development while providing the necessary support and guidance as a mentor.

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