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 ⇒ Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Level 4 Diploma Optional Units ⇒ Unit 435 Mentoring in social care ⇒ 4.3 Agree processes for recording interactions and progress to support information sharing.

4.3 Agree processes for recording interactions and progress to support information sharing.

Qualification: Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care Optional Units
Unit: Unit 435 Mentoring in social care
Learning outcome: 4. Be able to agree goals and outcomes in partnership with the mentee
Assessment criteria: 4.3 Agree processes for recording interactions and progress to support information sharing.

  • For this assessment criterion, you will be required to demonstrate that you are able to agree on recording processes with a mentee. Some things that you may wish to consider are provided below:
  • Documentation Method: Decide on a method to document interactions and progress. This could be a shared digital document, a mentoring software tool, or a physical notebook. The method should be easy to access and update for both parties.
  • Session Notes: Agree to record a summary of each mentoring session. This could include topics discussed, insights gained, decisions made, and any actions agreed upon.
  • Goal Progress: Develop a system for tracking progress towards agreed goals. This could include specific milestones or indicators of progress.
  • Reflections and Feedback: Encourage the mentee to record their reflections and feedback after each session. This can help them consolidate their learning and express their thoughts, questions, or concerns.
  • Confidentiality: Establish guidelines for maintaining confidentiality in records. Personal or sensitive information should be recorded and stored in a way that respects privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Access to Records: Agree on who will have access to the records. This typically includes the mentor and mentee, but in some cases, a supervisor or another relevant party may need access.
  • Review and Update: Regularly review and update the records. This can be done during mentoring sessions to ensure both parties are aware of the progress and can address any issues.
  • Data Retention: Discuss how long the records will be kept and how they will be securely disposed of once they are no longer needed.
  • Remember that all processes should comply with your organisation’s policies and relevant data protection laws. The agreed process should be transparent, secure, and beneficial to both the mentor and the mentee.

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