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 ⇒ Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Advanced communication skills

Advanced communication skills

This unit is part of the Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care and has the following learning outcomes and assessment criteria:

  1. Understand communication needs and factors affecting them
    1. 1.1 Analyse different models of communication: a. Transactional analysis, b. Lasswell’s
    2. 1.2 Analyse why individuals communicate
    3. 1.3 Analyse how models of communication can meet the individual’s personal needs, wishes and preferences
    4. 1.4 Explain how barriers to communication may be overcome: a. physical, b. social, c. environment, d. emotional
    5. 1.5 Analyse the effects on an individual of ineffective communication.
    6. 1.6 Explain how independent advocacy can help to meet communication needs and the circumstances in which it might be required
  2. Understand how to support the use of assistive technology to enhance communication
    1. 2.1 Discuss the role of assistive technology in supporting individuals to communicate
    2. 2.2 Describe types of support that an individual may need in order to use assistive technology
    3. 2.3 Describe the specialist services relating to assistive technology
    4. 2.4 Explain how to ensure that communication equipment is: a. fit for purpose, b. correctly set up and working, c. able to be used by the individual.
  3. Be able to interact with individuals
    1. 3.1 Work in partnership with the individual and others to identify their preferred methods of communication
    2. 3.2 Use agreed methods of communication to interact with the individual
    3. 3.3 Interact with an individual using: a. active listening, b. reflective listening
    4. 3.4 Monitor the individual’s responses during and after the interaction to check the effectiveness of communication
  4. Be able to convey information to individuals and others
    1. 4.1 Use formats that enable an individual and others to understand the information conveyed
    2. 4.2 Assess an individual’s understanding of information conveyed
  5. Understand the importance of confidentiality in interactions with individuals
    1. 5.1 Analyse legal and ethical tensions between maintaining confidentiality and sharing information
    2. 5.2 Analyse the implications of assistive technology for maintaining confidentiality for the individual

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