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 ⇒ Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF) ⇒ Unit 2: Team Leadership in Adult Care ⇒ 2.2 Evaluate methods of establishing trust, accountability and effective relationships within the team

2.2 Evaluate methods of establishing trust, accountability and effective relationships within the team

Qualification: Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF)
Unit: Unit 2: Team Leadership in Adult Care
Learning outcome: 2 Understand team development in adult care
Assessment criteria: 2.2 Evaluate methods of establishing trust, accountability and effective relationships within the team

  • Methods of establishing trust, accountability and effective relationships within a team include:
    • Always doing what you say you are going to do – this ensures that you ‘practice what you preach’ and reinforces to others that you can be relied on. In addition, team members are more likely to copy the behaviour of their leaders.
    • Holding yourself and others to account when tasks are not completed – you should hold yourself to account if you don’t do something because this ensures fairness within the team. Similarly, you should always hold others to account so that the team understands that they will be challenged if they do meet their targets.
    • Maintaining open channels of communication between yourself and team members – team members should feel that they are able to talk to the leader and other team members so that disagreements can be voiced and resolved before they cause detriment to the team
    • Valuing the views, perspectives and expertise of all team members – it is important to listen to all team members, even if you do not agree with them so that everyone feels valued and respected
    • Encouraging participation and dialogue – an inclusive team will encourage the involvement of all team members, so that all knowledge and understanding can be shared with the team

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