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 ⇒ Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF) ⇒ Unit 2: Team Leadership in Adult Care ⇒ 2.1 Analyse patterns and stages in team development

2.1 Analyse patterns and stages in team development

Qualification: Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF)
Unit: Unit 2: Team Leadership in Adult Care
Learning outcome: 2 Understand team development in adult care
Assessment criteria: 2.1 Analyse patterns and stages in team development

  • Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development:
    1. Forming: A new team forms. Individual roles and responsibilities are unclear and a significant amount of direction from the leader is required
    2. Storming: Roles and responsibilities begin to become clearer, however, there may be disagreements, conflicts and power struggles as individuals form sub-groups and may test boundaries and challenge one another and the leader. The leader must be resilient and assertive.
    3. Norming: Roles and responsibilities are clear and the team is generally united, and committed to their purpose, and there is mutual trust and respect between one another and the leader. The leader does not provide as much direction and takes more of a facilitative role.
    4. Performing: The team is able to work towards goals effectively and disagreements are managed in a positive manner. The team have a certain degree of autonomy and the leader can take a less active role, overseeing the team.
    5. Adjourning: This stage was added by Tuckman later and describes the break-up of the team after it has achieved its objectives and purpose. This stage can be traumatic for team members and so the leader should be sensitive and empathetic.

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