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 ⇒ Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF) ⇒ Unit 18: Decision Making in Adult Care ⇒ 1.7 Explain how to review the information gathered in order to make a valid and evidence-based decision

1.7 Explain how to review the information gathered in order to make a valid and evidence-based decision

Qualification: Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF)
Unit: Unit 18: Decision Making in Adult Care
Learning outcome: 1 Understand effective decision-making
Assessment criteria: 1.7 Explain how to review the information gathered in order to make a valid and evidence-based decision

  • Evaluate the Source: Consider the reliability and credibility of the source of the information. Academic articles, clinical guidelines, and data from reputable sources are usually reliable.
  • Consider the Relevance: Review the information for its relevance to the specific decision at hand. Is the information directly related to the individual, the condition, and the decision being made?
  • Check for Consistency: Look for consistent findings across different sources of information. Consistent information typically leads to more reliable decisions.
  • Weigh the Evidence: If different pieces of information suggest different courses of action, weigh the evidence. Consider the quality of the evidence and the potential impact of each option.
  • Check for Bias: Be aware of any potential biases in the information. This might include biases in the way the information was collected, biases in the source of the information, or your own personal biases.
  • Consider Practicalities: Take into account the practical implications of the decision. This might include resources available, legal and ethical considerations, and the individual’s preferences and abilities.
  • Seek Input from Others: Seek the opinions of colleagues, the individual themselves, and their family or carers. Their unique insights can be invaluable in reviewing the information and making a decision.
  • Reflect on Previous Experience: Reflect on your own past experiences and those of others in similar situations. This can provide additional insights to inform your decision.
  • Keep the Individual’s Best Interests at Heart: The individual’s best interests should always be the central consideration in any decision-making process. Ensure that the information gathered supports decisions that align with this principle.
  • Document and Justify the Decision: Once the decision is made, document the decision-making process and the reasons for the decision. This helps to demonstrate that a systematic and evidence-based approach was used.
  • By reviewing the information gathered in this way, care supervisors can ensure that their decisions are valid, evidence-based, and in the best interests of the individuals they support.

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