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 ⇒ Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF) ⇒ Unit 15: Risk-Taking and Risk Management in Adult Care ⇒ 2.1 Analyse links between consent, risk management and safeguarding

2.1 Analyse links between consent, risk management and safeguarding

Qualification: Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (RQF)
Unit: Unit 15: Risk-Taking and Risk Management in Adult Care
Learning outcome: 2 Understand issues around mental capacity and consent
Assessment criteria: 2.1 Analyse links between consent, risk management and safeguarding

  • Individual Rights and Autonomy: Consent, risk management and safeguarding all aim to respect the rights and autonomy of the individual. They enable service users to make choices about their care and treatment and take reasonable risks while ensuring their safety.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Consent is a fundamental aspect of risk management and safeguarding. Individuals must be given all relevant information in a way they can understand to make informed decisions about risks and their care.
  • Balancing Freedom and Safety: Risk management involves the assessment and mitigation of potential harm while maximising the individual’s freedom and independence. Similarly, safeguarding procedures are designed to protect individuals from abuse or harm, yet it’s important to balance these protective measures with the individual’s right to make choices (including those involving risk), which is only possible with their consent.
  • Risk Assessment: Both consent and safeguarding play critical roles in risk assessment. Before taking any action that might pose a risk, care providers must gain the individual’s consent after they are fully informed about the potential outcomes. This risk should also be measured against the safeguarding principles to prevent harm or abuse.
  • Empowerment and Prevention: In safeguarding, one of the key principles is empowering individuals to make their own decisions and giving them informed choices. This aligns with gaining consent for actions impacting them. Risk management also aligns with this, as it ensures individuals are not unnecessarily restricted due to perceived risks.
  • Legal Requirements: All three elements are embedded in legal frameworks in health and social care, ensuring individuals are protected, and their rights are respected. Non-compliance with these can lead to serious legal implications for the care provider.
  • Prevention of Abuse: Gaining proper consent, effectively managing risks and safeguarding all work together to prevent abuse. This includes physical, emotional, financial abuse or neglect.
  • Remember, in care settings, it’s vital to strike a balance that respects individual autonomy and choice while ensuring their safety and well-being. This involves gaining consent, managing risks and implementing safeguarding measures appropriately.

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