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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care ⇒ Level 3 Diploma Optional Units ⇒ Unit 381 Interact with and support individuals using telecommunications ⇒ 4.2 Evaluate the implications of any risk or dangers facing an individual, including: 4.2 A the circumstances in which the interaction is being made 4.2 B the types of problems which could occur 4.2 C the significance of any signs of increased stress during interactions 4.2 D whether there are any constraints on individuals 4.2 E the appropriate action to deal with any risks, dangers or problems

4.2 Evaluate the implications of any risk or dangers facing an individual, including: 4.2 A the circumstances in which the interaction is being made 4.2 B the types of problems which could occur 4.2 C the significance of any signs of increased stress during interactions 4.2 D whether there are any constraints on individuals 4.2 E the appropriate action to deal with any risks, dangers or problems

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care Optional Units
Unit: Unit 381 Interact with and support individuals using telecommunications
Learning outcome: 4 Be able to identify and evaluate any risks or dangers for individuals during the interaction
Assessment criteria: 4.2 Evaluate the implications of any risk or dangers facing an individual, including: 4.2 A the circumstances in which the interaction is being made 4.2 B the types of problems which could occur 4.2 C the significance of any signs of increased stress during interactions 4.2 D whether there are any constraints on individuals 4.2 E the appropriate action to deal with any risks, dangers or problems

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