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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator ⇒ Unit 3.9: Facilitate the cognitive development of children ⇒ Identify stages of cognitive development in children from birth to 7 years

Identify stages of cognitive development in children from birth to 7 years

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator
Unit: Unit 3.9: Facilitate the cognitive development of children
Learning outcome: 1 Understand about cognitive development in children
Assessment criteria: 1.2 Identify stages of cognitive development in children from birth to 7 years

  • Cognitive development refers to a child’s capacity to process and interpret information from the world around them
  • You will need to research a child’s cognitive development in children from birth to 7 years, however, some examples to get you started are provided below:
    • 0-1 year – recognise familiar faces, react to familiar sounds, respond to environment with facial expressions, understand difference between animate and inanimate objects, copy gestures and facial expressions, understand object permanence
    • 1-2 years – understand and respond to words, point out familiar objects/people, understand the difference between ‘me’ and ‘you’
    • 2-3 years – identify their reflection, understand difference between ‘little’ and ‘big’, sort objects by category
    • 3-4 years – ask ‘why?’ and seek answers to questions, know the names of primary colours and some shapes, begin to understand time (e.g. past and present)
    • 4-5 years – count to 5, know the names of 8 colours, identify which object is heavier, recite rhymes
    • 5-6 years – count to 20, follow simple rules of a game, link experiences
    • 6-7 years – read and write, simple arithmetic, make predictions, use logic

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