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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator ⇒ Unit 3.13: Support children with additional needs ⇒ Analyse how personal experiences, values and beliefs impact on the professional practice of the Early Years practitioner

Analyse how personal experiences, values and beliefs impact on the professional practice of the Early Years practitioner

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator
Unit: Unit 3.13: Support children with additional needs
Learning outcome: 2 Understand how personal experiences, values and beliefs impact on the role of the Early Years practitioner
Assessment criteria: 2.1 Analyse how personal experiences, values and beliefs impact on the professional practice of the Early Years practitioner

  • It is important for all practitioners to acknowledge and understand that their personal exeriences, values and beliefs can potentilly have an impact on their professional practice
  • This can have both positive and negative effects (e.g. a practitioner that witnessed domestic violence as a child may be more attuned to the signs and symptoms of abuse in their setting, but they should not assume that a child’s behaviours are always linked to abuse in the home)
  • Similalrly, a practitioner that is a vegan should let their beliefs influence the diet of the children in the setting
  • By recognising that we all have unique experiences and even prejudices and identifying our own, practitioners can ensure that they do not have an inappropriate influence on their practice

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