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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator ⇒ Unit 3.11: Promote the physical development of children ⇒ Describe theoretical perspectives in relation to physical development

Describe theoretical perspectives in relation to physical development

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator
Unit: Unit 3.11: Promote the physical development of children
Learning outcome: 2 Understand theory and current frameworks in relation to children’s physical development
Assessment criteria: 2.1 Describe theoretical perspectives in relation to physical development

  • Gesell’s Maturational-Developmental Theory (Nativist Perspective):
    • Nature/genetic makeup determine how a child develops physically
    • Identified normative and predictive sequence of physical development (e.g. baby holds head up, before rolling over, before sitting, before crawling, before standing, before walking etc.)
  • Environmental Perspectives (Vygotsky, Montessori etc.)
    • The environment a child is in supports their development (e.g. if a child lives in a cramped high-rise flat, it may take them longer to develop the skill of running because the environment does not provide sufficient opportunities to practice the skill)
    • An opportunity-rich environment with plenty of learning resources and adults that can introduce new concepts can contribute to a child’s development

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