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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator ⇒ Unit 1.4: Promote children’s emotional well-being ⇒ Identify transitions and significant events that a child may experience

Identify transitions and significant events that a child may experience

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator
Unit: Unit 1.4: Promote children’s emotional well-being
Learning outcome: 3 Understand the needs of children during transition and significant events
Assessment criteria: 3.1 Identify transitions and significant events that a child may experience

  • Transitions and significant events can be uncomfortable and distressing for a child as they must learn to a cope with a change to their lives
  • Because it can be distressing for a child, it is important that Early Years Practitioners are able to recognise the effects that they can have in order to provide the child (and possibly their family) with appropriate support
  • Tranisitions are changes to a child’s routine as a result of moving between environments/settings. They can include:
    • Starting nursery
    • Moving through rooms in a nursery (e.g. from baby room to toddler room to pre-school room)
    • Moving between services (e.g. from nursery to a childminder and vice versa)
    • Moving to school
  • Significant events are major changes to a child’s life, such as:
    • A bereavement
    • Changes to family structure (e.g. parents splitting up, birth of a sibling, having new step-siblings, moving to live with extended family)
    • Moving home
    • A parent/carer being hospitalised
    • Social services intervention resulting in a child being removed from their parent’s care


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