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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator ⇒ Unit 1.4: Promote children’s emotional well-being

Unit 1.4: Promote children’s emotional well-being

This unit is part of the Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator and has the following learning outcomes and assessment criteria:

  1. Understand children’s needs in relation to emotional well-being
    1. Explain theoretical perspectives on emotional well-being
    2. Explain the process of: bonding, attachment, developing secure relationships
    3. Evaluate the impact of secure relationships on a child’s emotional well-being
  2. Understand the requirements for promoting emotional well-being in relation to current frameworks
    1. Analyse the role of the Key Person in promoting emotional well-being
  3. Understand the needs of children during transition and significant events
    1. Identify transitions and significant events that a child may experience
    2. Describe potential effects of transition and significant events on a child’s life
    3. Explain the role of the Early Years practitioner in preparing a child for a planned transition
    4. Explain the role of the Early Years practitioner in supporting the needs of children during transition and significant life events
  4. Be able to promote the emotional wellbeing of children in own setting
    1. Identify the needs of children in own setting in relation to emotional well-being
    2. Work with children in a way that: supports independence, builds resilience and perseverance, builds confidence, supports self-reliance, equips children to protect themselves, builds relationships between children
    3. Plan an activity to promote emotional well-being in own setting
    4. Implement an activity to promote emotional well-being in own setting
    5. Evaluate own role when promoting emotional well-being in own setting

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