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 ⇒ Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator ⇒ Unit 1.3: Support physical care routines for children

Unit 1.3: Support physical care routines for children

This unit is part of the Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator and has the following learning outcomes and assessment criteria:

  1. Understand the physical care needs of children
    1. Describe routine physical care needs for children in relation to: nappy changing, toilet training, washing and bath time, skin, teeth and hair, meal times
    2. Explain the role of the Early Years practitioner during: nappy changing, toilet training, washing and bath time, skin, teeth and hair, meal times
    3. Identify situations in which non-routine physical care is required
    4. Describe benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to individual physical care routines
  2. Understand hygienic practice in preparing formula feeds
    1. Outline hygienic practice when: preparing formula feeds, sterilising equipment
    2. Explain how poor hygiene may affect the health of babies in relation to: preparing formula feeds, sterilisation
  3. Understand hygienic practice in relation to control of infection
    1.  Describe the role of the Early Years practitioner in relation to: hand washing, food hygiene, dealing with spillages safely, safe disposal of waste, using correct personal protective equipment
  4. Be able to use hygienic practice to minimise the spread of infection
    1. Use hygienic practice in relation to: hand washing, food hygiene, dealing with spillages safely, safe disposal of waste, using correct personal protective equipment
  5. Understand rest and sleep needs of children
    1. Explain the rest and sleep needs of: a baby aged 6 weeks, a baby aged 7 months, a toddler aged 15 months, a child aged 2 and a half years, a child aged 4 – 5 years, a child aged 6 – 7 years
    2. Explain safety precautions which minimise the risk of sudden infant death syndrome
  6. Understand childhood immunisation
    1. Outline the reasons for immunisation
    2. Identify the immunisation schedule
    3. Explain the reasons why some children are not immunised
  7. Be able to support children in personal physical care routines
    1. Support children in personal physical care routines in relation to: toileting, washing and/or bath time, skin, teeth and hair, meal times, resting and/or sleeping

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